
Looking for Partners!

This website and all associated costs of sharing information about the trail (e.g. transportation to/from the trail, accommodation, gear, website) are all self-funded.

The initial 600+km walk of the Michinoku Coastal Trail in 2017 - called the “Explore Tohoku” project - was supported by the Japan Foundation Asia Center (HANDs! Project) and The Next Challenge Expedition Grant in the UK.

However, these two grants came to a close in 2017, and so we’re looking for new partners to keep doing what we do.

We’re also always looking for new ideas and initiatives, so please get in touch any time!

If you, your company, or your organisation are interested in supporting this project, Let’s Make Magic Together :)
Please reach out to us via the Contact page :)

Hoya Sea Squirt Miyagi Japan